PDF Forms

From Simple Wiki

Reading Data from PDF Forms[edit | edit source]

PDF Forms can be read and filled in with SimpleIndex.

To read data from PDF forms, create a Fixed field with the template value set to:

%PDF FieldName%

Replace "FieldName" with the name of the field in the PDF file. So if the field was named "Address" the template would be %PDF Address%

Filling Out PDF Forms with Index Data[edit | edit source]

To fill out PDF forms on export, set the Fill PDF Forms option on the PDF Processing Settings screen to automatically fill exported files with index field data.

Form fields will be matched to SimpleIndex fields based on the Field Name, so simply name the field in SimpleIndex the same name that the PDF form uses.

This is most commonly used with the Autofill feature to merge data from a database into PDF forms.

To fill in multiple copies of the same form, simply create as many copies of the original PDF form file as you need and put them all in the input folder.

PDF Processing Training Video[edit | edit source]

Video was recorded in a previous version of SimpleIndex. Refer to the wiki documentation for latest updates.