Simple QB Installation

From Simple Wiki

Preinstall Requirements[edit | edit source]

If you have not already installed SimpleIndex, you must do so as SimpleQB requires it to function properly. You may get SimpleIndex at

SimpleQB also requires QuickBooks 2005(Enterprise 5.0) or newer to be installed on your computer, and will only work with US version of the software.

Installing the Program[edit | edit source]

First you will want to close QuickBooks if it is open. Then, installing the SimpleQB program and files is as easy as running the install executable.

The installer will create all the files needed for operation, as well as install the QuickBooks Foundation Class Library which is what SimpleQB uses to communicate with QuickBooks. Once all the proper files have been installed the installer attempts to create the integrated menu in QuickBooks. Note that if you had QuickBooks open during the install you will have to restart QuickBooks in order to see the changes.

Running SimpleQB for the First Time[edit | edit source]

Once you have installed SimpleQB and its integrated menu, you must grant the program access to the QuickBooks company file. To do this you must login to your QuickBooks company file as the administrator. Once logged in, QuickBooks will ask you if you want to grant access to the SimpleQB program. Grant access to SimpleQB, noting that SimpleQB only needs to have access to the QuickBooks company file when it is open. SimpleQB has now been properly integrated with QuickBooks.

Default Configurations[edit | edit source]

With 2.0, there are two SimpleQB procedures installed by default that replicate the 1.0 functionality of scanning and retrieval of documents based on open transactions and list items. The two SimpleQB default configurations are set to store their scanned documents in SimpleIndex’s default output folder. These configurations are contained in the ‘qb’ subfolder of your SimpleIndex installation directory if you wish to change any settings in them. The default configuration can be removed from the menu as well via the ‘Procedures’ dialog that comes up when starting SimpleQB directly or accessing it from the menu inside QuickBooks.

The Integrated Menu[edit | edit source]

If for some reason the integrated menu did not get installed when you installed SimpleQB, you may do this from the ‘Procedures’ dialog. You may also remove the integrated menu from this dialog if you wish to do so. Note that this will not uninstall SimpleQB, just remove the menu.