Save Index

From Simple Wiki

The Save Index button is used to save values for the current file during batch processing and advance to the next file.

Any index fields with the Forward option selected will advance those values to the next file, filling in any blank values.

The button is selected by default and can be pressed with the 'Enter' key instead of the mouse.

When the last file of the batch is reached, if any required fields are missing it will display a notification. If all fields are completed it will prompt the user to export the batch.

When using Update or Retrieval mode, the Save Index button will say 'Search' and will search the database for matching values to display in the batch.

The Save All button will perform the Save Index function on every page until the last document or a blank Required field is reached.

Use the Go to first file on Save All option to ensure the Save All function always starts on the first page of the batch instead of the current page.