SimpleSend Command Line

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Almost everything that can be accessed or configured within SimpleSend can also be specified on the command line. Usage is as follows:

    SimpleSend.exe [file name]
    SimpleSend.exe [/hide] [/run] [/Component Type:[options...]] 
[/Component flags:[Component flag options]] SimpleSend.exe [file name] [/hide] [/run]
[/Component Type:[options...]]

[/Component flags:[Component flag options]]

Note: To include a space use quotations to surround the value, and all switches are case sensitive. Also, using “/Component Type” switches after also specifying a file name will alter the named components in the existing file or add new ones if they don’t already exist.


  • /run - immediately runs the project once it is open
  • /hide - hides the interface when using the /run option
  • /log:C:\New\Log\FileLocation.log - change the default log file name
  • /installservice:”C:\Path to config\file.ssf” - This will install the simplesend service and run the specified configuration file as a service
  • /startservice - Starts the service running

When adding components, anything that is indented must be specified on the command line in the order that it appears here. Anything in [brackets] is optional.
Adding Components:

    File Set 
/dir:C:\folder\*filter*.tif [/R] /file:C:\folder\file.tif
    FTP Transfer 
    Email Transfer 
/EMAIL:Name[:C:\MatchNMerge\index\file.idx] /fs:FileSet_to_be_Transferred,To,Subject,Body[,Limit[KB]]


/FS:IndexImages /idx:”C:\folder with spaces\theIndexFile.idx”,”C:\Images Path Prefix\” /EMAIL:”C:\folder with spaces\theIndexFile.idx” /fs:IndexImages,%1%,”Subject: %2%”,”Body: %3%” /nosend

This command line will create a file set component with the files that are contained in the index file theIndexFile.idx. An email transfer component is then created that matches and merges the information in that index file in order to use field 1 as the recipient of the email, field 2 as the subject, and field 3 as body of the email. The /nosend switch just prepares the email to be sent instead of sending it.

/FS:DirectoryOfImages /dir:”C:\path\to\images\*1.tif” /R /EMAIL /fs:DirectoryOfImages,,”Requested Images”,,1024KB

This command line will create a file set component composed of all tiff files whose names end in “1” that are in the subdirectories(due to the /R switch) of the directory “C:\path\to\images,” and in the “C:\path\to\images” directory itself. That file set will the be emailed to in emails with attachments that will not exceed the size of 1024KB. Now suppose you wanted to send 3 images per email no matter the size of the files, just use “3” in place of “1024KB.”

/FS:SingleFile /file:”C:\path to file\filename.extension” /FS:SingleFile2 /file:”C:\path\to\second\file\filename.tif” / /dir:/destination1/folder /fs:SingleFile /dir:/destination/folder2 /fs:SingleFile2 /run

This command line creates two file set components with one file each. Then each of these files is sent to via FTP on port 21 using “user_name” as the user name and “the_password” as the password. The file set named SingleFile is sent to the directory named “/destination1/folder,” and the file set named SingleFile2 is sent to the directory name “/destination/folder2.” The transfer will be performed as soon as the command line is run due to the /run switch.